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Jeffrey M. Brauer

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Turock School of Arts and Sciences


The Cottage 101


杰夫·布劳尔(Jeff Brauer)教授于1997年加入Keystone,此前他在Close-Up任教, a non-profit organization located in Washington, D.C. that provides civics education for young people. During the Clinton Administration, he also worked for USAID, 国务院内一个专注于国际经济发展的组织.

The Binghamton, N.Y. 他于1993年以致告别辞的身份毕业于斯克兰顿大学文理学院,获得公共管理/公共事务和历史学士学位. 他读了研究生,并指导了圣何塞大学的国际学生项目. Rose in Albany, N.Y.1996年获历史学和政治学硕士学位.

Jeff joined the Keystone faculty in 1997.


Education – Degrees & Certifications

  • 斯克兰顿大学,公共管理和公共事务,历史学学士学位
  • 圣罗斯学院,历史和政治学硕士

“政治的核心是人们如何对影响他们生活的问题做出决定. I tell students that, by virtue of being a human being, 他们甚至在上第一门政治学课程之前就对政治有了相当多的了解.” ~ Professor Jeff Brauer

Jeff Brauer on TV

Political Expertise

Jeff has been recognized nationally for his expertise, often being interviewed and quoted by the local, state, and national news media, including NBC News, Fox Business News, Real Clear Politics, and The Atlantic Magazine, New York Post, and The Philadelphia Inquirer. 


Keystone College President Tracy L. Brundage, Ph.D. announced that Jeffrey M. Brauer, professor of political science, 被任命为2020年玛格丽塔·柏林·张伯伦杰出教师服务主席奖的获得者.


Jeff Brauer教授在匹兹堡邮报上引用的

Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in the Washington Examiner

Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in Scranton Times article

Jeff Brauer teaches


For Professor Jeff Brauer, 在基斯顿学院教书是一种独特而令人满意的经历,因为校园里的学生非常多样化.


教学生和参与社区组织, such as Friends of the Poor and the ARC, 对杰夫来说很重要,因为它们有助于促进正义与和平,改善人们的生活.

 “我经常告诉学生,大学教育最重要的方面不仅仅是你在某门课程上的成绩, although academics are very important, 但你与他人的经历和互动会帮助你为余生做好准备.”

  • 政治分析师,印刷新闻和电视/广播新闻节目,包括福克斯新闻2017,PCN Election 2016, The Atlantic 2016, New York Post 2016, Newsmax 2016, Washington Examiner 2016, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2016, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader 2016-2017, PA LIVE! 2013, WBRE News 2012, NBC Nightly News in 2008
  • Speaker, State of the Union Watch Party (2012)
  • 特邀演讲人,宾夕法尼亚州东北部婚姻平等守夜活动(2013)
  • Student Leadership Conference Facilitator; Northeast Regional Penn State (1998, 99, 2000, 01), King’s College (2000, 09), Keystone College (2000), LaSalle High School (2002)
  • 喇沙修士青年服务及领袖会议联席主任/主持(2000,03,06)
  • 多元化促进者,Natl LaSallian志工,费城/芝加哥(2007、08、10、12、13)
  • Presenter; “Any Course Can Become a Diversity Course”; Faculty Symposium (2012)
  • 斯克兰顿大学全球化与多样性会议主持人(2002年)
  • Presenter, Gay Marriage; Annual Pennsylvania Political Science Association Conference (2004
  • 演讲嘉宾,改善大学教学国际会议,匹兹堡(2005)
  • 2006年全国多元文化教育协会年会主讲人
  • 全国社会科学协会专业发展会议主讲人,新奥尔良(2013)
  • Panelist, PA State Representatives; Youth & Government Day (2005, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 13)
  • Panelist; “Electoral Process” and “General” Panels; State Representative Sid Michaels Kavulich’s Youth and Government Forum (2012, 13)
  • Panelist, Social and Educational Impact of the 2008 Presidential Election; NEPDEC (2009)
  • 小组成员,参议员鲍勃·凯西LGBT圆桌会议,美国参议院,华盛顿特区(2009年)

Conferences Attended

  • 参加Keystone学院性侵旁观者培训(2016)
  • 2014年参加美国拉斯维加斯全国社会科学协会技术大会
  • 参加国际平等论坛,费城,宾夕法尼亚州(2014)
  • 与奥巴马总统和副总统拜登在宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿出席私人招待会(2013年)
  • 2013年参加了在宾夕法尼亚州威尔克斯-巴雷举行的LGBT家庭服务会议。
  • 在200多篇报纸/杂志文章中被引用,包括 The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Advocate, Real Clear Politics, The Huffington Post, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and many more
  • Numerous Guest Columns, Scranton Times-Tribune and Wilkes-Barre Times Leader
  • Paper, “The 1949 German Basic Law; Preventive Measure Against Another Third Reich” (1992)
  • Chapter; “Integrating Political Science, Emergency Management, and Service Learning” (2004)
  • Textbook Review, World Regional Geography  (abridged ed.), Pulsipher and Pulsipher (2008)
  • Textbook Review, Public Policymaking  (8th ed.), Anderson (2012)
  • Essay, “Diffused Impacts of Electoral Systems; Proportional Representation as the Best of All Options for the American Presidency” (2013)
  • Instructors  Manual, Public Policymaking  (8th ed.), Anderson (2014)
  • 阿宾顿学院最佳教授,《立博客户端app下载》2011年、2012年
  • Who’s Who Among Country-America Teachers
  • 年度立博平台学院管理者提名(1999,2000,2001)
  • 历史与政治学荣誉奖(研究生院优秀学生)
  • Frank O 'Hara奖(中国科学院优秀学生,大三和大四)
  • 公共行政卓越奖(四年级)
  • 通用汽车文科优秀奖(二年级)
  • 五个学术荣誉社团,包括Alpha Sigma Nu(国家耶稣会)
  • 高中毕业生代表和班长(4年)
  • Public Policy
  • State and Local Government
  • Civic Responsibility
  • International Relations
  • Comparative Government
  • Freshmen Year Seminar
  • Social Science Field Experience